Saturday, February 10, 2007

A day of old friends and good memories

Today, however not over, has been a great day. I got to catch up with my friend Julie who I haven't seen in a year and a half or better, my brother came in town to hang out with BJ and tonight we are eating a farwell meal as it will be the last time all of my family will be together for awhile.

I really will miss hanging out with all of these people. I really hope that they will come and visit us in Boston. There will be so many interesting things to see and do there. I wonder if anyone has an answer for a job that would include writing and reading and would be exciting and new every day. I really enjoy books and knowledge and giving advice.

Oh and speaking of giving advice, I wonder, why do women stay with guys they know are poision. They realize they are bad for them and they think I guess that some how they can change them or make them better or maybe he's that way with some girls but not with me. People are who they are. They can get a little better with some people rather then others, but they still are who they are. They can change themselves for maybe a week, two weeks, a month, maybe even a year, but it will come back. It is their demon, their weakness, and it will continue to be a struggle for them always. If this struggle is not something you can handle, get yourself out. What's the point in staying in a relationship you know is a bad one? I have had several people approach me with this lately. Some I know that is very close to me, some one BJ worked with was going through it with one of her friends, and the list goes on and on. Why do women respect themselves so little to not fight for what they want. Value yourself enough to not settle. Remember, if you end up marrying this guy or gal(it can be guys just as much as girls) it is going to be for the next potentially 40+ years. Not exactly something you want to take lightly. Do yourself a favor, make a list of everything you want, if the person you're with doesn't match with exactly what you want, end it. Its not mean. Let me ask you this question. What's worse, telling the person a month or two months or even a year into it that they aren't right for you, or waiting until you are married and a year or two years or maybe even five years in? Then you have got kids maybe or a house or all kinds of other things that come into the mix and you are much more heart broken. (And if you are cynical like I am sometimes, you have wasted years of your life on a pointless relationship that then will potentially take years to get over!) That's why I strongly believe in dating. If you know the right questions to ask, you can figure out in a matter of 2 to 3 dates whether the relationship is worth pursueing and then in maybe another 2-3 weeks whether its the right guy/gal. I am just so fed up with people complaining about their boyfriend or girlfriend and the same things over and over again and not taking action. If it bugs you so much, don't be with them! Its not like there aren't about several other million people on the planet to pick from. Oh and another thing. If your family doesn't like them and your friends don't like them, guess what? They probably aren't the person for you. These are the poeple who know you the best in the world and you are seeing the other person through rose colored glasses. That's what got you in the last crappy relationship you were in and were so heart broken about. Pull yourself out of your relationship. Think to yourself, if I was 's friend what would I be telling them? Would I say, this is a great relationship, or would I be saying, you deserve better, this person treats you like crap? When you can honestly assess the relationship for what it really is, and really see beyond your intial feelings, you will find just a great depth in your relationships. And they will be so much more meaningful. Sorry, guess I will take a step down from my soap box now. I have just been hearing a lot lately about some wonderful guys and gals in some really crappy relationships. It makes me sad that can't see relationships really for what they are, a job interview for the spouse position. Anyways, hear me and hear me well, no matter who you are, no matter what your story is, you are worth it. You are worth all the little things you think you can't find. You are worth whatever it is deep down in your heart you desire. And if you say, "I'm not, and I have made mistakes, or I will never find anyone, etc, etc." Well those are a bunch of excuses. So wait for it, trust that someone is out there and they will find you. Its all about timing.

Now that my crazy soap box is done, I will move on to explaining the pictures. They are Richard and BJ playing games. What the boys do best! :) I am so glad to have great friends and family like these. It was a great day and I hope to have more like them in Boston when they all come to visit! :) Hope anyone who has a friend who needs to hear this advice passes it along and anyone who is reading and needs this advice, don't be too bull-headed to take it. Love you guys! :)


Elaine said...

Did you and Jules have fun? when is BJ leaving for Boston? How's the house selling going?

Bodil Dronkers said...

Hey! Nice to see you have set up a blog...super nice thing to have and always nice to share thoughts and experiences. Did I add you to my blog list...if not it's
enjoy! it's a bit different from yours but nevertheless interesting if you're in terested in Uganda and my experience here.